Why IVF with PGD for gender (sex) selection?

Family Balancing, the scientific name for gender (sex) selection, is an attempt to achieve the desired gender of the future baby through IVF/PGD technique. Gender selection accuracy for desired sex with IVF/PGD method is approaching 100%, unlike all other techniques.

Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is a genetic analysis of embryos prior to implantation into the woman's uterus and therefore can be viewed as a form of prenatal diagnosis. PGD requires in vitro fertilization (IVF) to obtain embryos for evaluation.

IVF/PGD method is used to select embryos of the desired sex and with acceptable genetics and then to transfer the "chosen" embryos back into woman's uterus.

United States is one of the few countries in the world where gender (sex) selection is allowed for both medical and non-medical reasons.

How is it done at our clinic?

After the retrieved mother's eggs are fertilized with father's sperm during the initial phase of IVF cycle, the newly-created embryos are biopsied a few days later for genetic analysis of the embryos. Only embryos of the confirmed desired sex are then transferred to the mother during the final phase of IVF cycle.

Sometimes, in order to increase the amount of embryos of desired sex, sperm sorting is done prior to fertilization. The sperm is sorted to X-bearing sperm and Y-bearing sperm and only the sperm with chromosomes of the desired sex (Y for a male, X for a female) is selected to fertilize the eggs.

Please note that we do testing for Down syndrome automatically for all embryos during sex selection, without additional cost to you. More extensive genetic testing for specific genetic defects at the same time can also be done on the patient's request and at additional cost.

Since PGD can be also used to screen for specific genetic diseases, it may help women to avoid selective pregnancy termination by making it highly likely that the baby will be free of the diseases under consideration.

IVF/PGD for gender (sex) selection at New York Reproductive:

Until recently, IVF with PGD for gender (sex) selection has been used relatively rarely as few practices have the experience and capability to offer these services.

At New York Reproductive, however, Dr. Karpenko and Dr. Vidali, together with their dedicated team, have both the large experience and the professional expertise to successfully perform these services at our fertility clinic locations in New York City.

We offer an exceptional, quality care in a warm environment and at an affordable cost. To find out more about New York Reproductive's fertility services, including gender (sex) selection options available at our New York City fertility clinic, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Karpenko or Dr. Vidali, call (212) 317-8700 or use our online appointment form at our website at www.fertilitytreatmentny.com.

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New York Reproductive
133 East 58th Street, Ste 1002,
New York, NY 10022
Ph : (212) 317-8700, Fax : (877) 396-8029

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